File Manager

File Manager

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About This app


File Manager + is an easy and powerful file explorer for Android devices. It’s free, fast and full-featured. Because of its simple UI, it’s extremely easy to use. You can easily manage storages on your device, NAS(Network-attached storage), and cloud storages. What’s more, you can find how many files & apps you have on your device at a glance immediately after opening the app. It supports every file management action (open, search, navigate directory, copy and paste, cut, delete, rename, compress, decompress, transfer, download, bookmark, and organize) for various file formats including media and apk. Major locations and functions of File Manager Plus are as following: • Main Storage / SD card / USB OTG : You can manage all files and folders on both your internal storage and external storage. • Downloads / New files / Images / Audio / Videos / Documents : Your files and folders are automatically sorted by their types and characteristics so that you can easily find what you are looking for. • Apps : You can see and manage all applications installed on your local device. • Cloud / Remote : You can access your cloud storage and also remote/shared storage like NAS and FTP server. (Cloud storage: Google Drive™, OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, and Yandex) • Access from PC : You can access your android device storage from PC using FTP(File Transfer Protocol). • Storage analysis : You can analyze local storages to clean up useless files. You can find out which files and apps take up the most space. • Internal image viewer / Internal music player/ Internal text editor : You can choose to use built-in utilities for faster and better performance. • Supported devices : Android TV, phone and tablet.
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By Quill

I've tried many file manager apps, but this one stands out from the rest. It's fast, efficient, and has a sleek design. It allows me to easily browse and manage my files on my phone. Love it!


By Izzy

I've been using this file manager app for a while now, and it has exceeded my expectations. It not only helps me manage my files but also offers cloud storage integration, which comes in handy when I need to access my files from anywhere. Highly impressed!


By Monty

This file manager app is a lifesaver! I can easily organize and access all my files without any hassle. It has a user-friendly interface and offers a wide range of features. Highly recommended!


By Hugo

I love how this file manager app keeps my files neatly organized. It has a powerful search function that helps me quickly find the files I need. It's definitely a must-have app for anyone who wants to stay organized!


By Quill

This file manager app is a game-changer! It has made file management so much easier and convenient for me. With its intuitive interface and useful features like file compression and encryption, it has become an essential app on my device.


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