Vkids Shapes & Colors Learning

Vkids Shapes & Colors Learning


About This app

The app will help children learn to distinguish shapes, colors, textures and quantity. Vkids Shapes & Colors For Kids supports children's development of fine motor skills, attention span, and intelligence. Vkids Shapes is all parents need for their children healthy development. Different games will sure to engross children with vibrant colors, funny animations, and many interesting activities such as: ► Arrange items by color, shape, number and size ► Pick up items in accordance with their definition ► Arrange the geometric shapes according to silhouette ► Sort items in its place ABOUT US Vkids which was founded in 2016 is owned by PPCLink Company. We were born with a mission in building high quality educational apps for children that will help parents in nurturing their kids while living in a nowadays digital world. Vkids core value is to create apps in high standards with beautiful design, spectacular animation and academic interaction. We're thriving Vkids to become the most well-known brand for children in Vietnam and be able to go global.
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