Specialized - Mission Control

Specialized - Mission Control


About This app

Customize, control, and diagnose your Specialized Turbo electric bike with Mission Control. Use Mission Control to: TUNE THE RIDE Customize your motor characteristics with Support, Peak Power, and more tunable features. DIAGNOSE Get immediate feedback and overviews of motor, battery, and system health. RECORD RIDES Have a detailed overview of your fitness and ride history at your fingertips. SMART CONTROL Adjust the motor and battery output based on how far or how long you want to ride. CONNECTIVITY Integrate and automatically upload your rides to STRAVA’s dedicated e-bike segment. Mission Control is compatible with - all Turbo Levo - all Turbo Kenevo - all Turbo S, X - Vado and Como if they are equipped with the Specialized TCD-w display * * If you are using a Vado bike with a BLOKS display which is not compatible with the app, please contact in with your retailer for a solution ** To better your route accuracy and maintain a continuous connection with your turbo bike, please set location permissions be set to “Always allow”.
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