Krautfinder - Pflanzenbestimmu

Krautfinder - Pflanzenbestimmu


About This app

Plant identification quick and easy! The modern way of identifying plants More than 3700 plants with detailed descriptions and plant information + over 11700 photos + extensive search and filter options Attention: The size of the app is 1.38GB, not 92MB, as stated on Google Play. Since all images are saved on the Android device, the app can be used completely offline. With this app, nature and plant lovers always have a helper at hand, which not only enables and extremely facilitates the determination of the native flora, but also provides a wealth of interesting and helpful information about the plants. The database with over 3,700 plants contains all of the most important flowering plants in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, including the Alpine region, and can be used completely offline. With the simple and quick selection of quickly recognizable properties such as type of plant, flower color, location, flowering time, leaf shape, etc., all plants that meet these properties are displayed. (This is only a small excerpt from the numerous filter options) The app is easy to use and offers the option of identifying a plant using numerous detailed descriptions and more than 11,700 photos. The app works completely offline and contains all data. It provides a general overview of the native plant species, genera and families. Due to its clarity and versatility, the app also serves as entertaining reading and interesting reference work not only on the mobile phone, but also on the tablet. THE FUNCTIONS AT A GLANCE: - More than 3,000 detailed descriptions - Over 11,700 high-resolution photos, some with important detailed images - Search filter the most important determinants - Can be used completely offline - the app contains all data - no internet is required for use! - Switch between German and scientific plant names with one click - Regional plant names - Name search across the entire database - An overview of all plant families - Plants can be called up in categories (e.g. bee flowers, poisonous plants, medicinal plants, etc.) - Plant view with lots of information (description, use in the kitchen, use as a medicinal plant, etc.), profile and systematics - Information on location, soil type, pH value, moisture, etc. - Display of poisonous plants and plants that are under nature protection - No further costs, no follow-up costs for updates DEVELOPMENT AND PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT: The biologist Arnulf Schultes grew up in the Allgäu and lives in Nuremberg. Even in his childhood, his main focus was on the versatility of nature. First the geological fossils, rocks and minerals and the mushrooms. Later geological and fossil-based biology studies with a focus on botany with Prof. Dr. Nezadal in Erlangen. Then author on the subject of geological history, minerals and fossils. Knowledge of the medicinal use of plants based on years of experience in the sale of natural medicinal products from Weleda AG, Schwäbisch Gmünd, is incorporated into the app. In this context, he offers popular nature tours for doctors, pharmacists and alternative practitioners with a specialist medical focus. Together with the Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Roland Bönisch, ( he runs the comprehensive plant portal "Plants in Germany", www.
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