Exodus 90 - Live Different

Exodus 90 - Live Different


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Jesus Christ calls us to live an uncommon freedom so that we might become who we truly are. Advent is a time of anticipation as we prepare for the coming of the Child Jesus. He first came into the world in Bethlehem, greeted by shepherds and kings. Now, it is our turn to welcome him as he is born again in our hearts this Christmas. Like Israel, we look to his coming with expectation, knowing that he is the Messiah who will establish the Kingdom of God on earth. This kingdom will continue to grow until Jesus's final coming in glory. We connect all three of these comings in Advent: his birth in the stable, his coming anew into our hearts, and his coming again at the Last Judgment. We must arise from sleep and look to the Lord with joy and hope. His coming fulfills all our hopes and desires and gives the world all that it truly needs. Advent is a time to grow in our longing and expectation for the fulfillment of all things and the definitive establishment of Jesus's reign. He is coming soon, and we must be ready to greet him. To ready our hearts and our minds together, all Exodus men around the world will adopt a common Plan of Life this Advent, including: • 20 Minutes of Silent Prayer each day • Catch and root out cynical, sarcastic & negative speech • Take 3 minutes of silence, longing for the Lord's coming • Pray for a friend by name who needs freedom • Be present to your family & friends at holiday gatherings • Weekly Fraternity Meeting • Fast on Wednesday & Friday • No Meat Wednesday & Friday • Cold Shower Fridays (that's only 3 this Advent!) • Make one Holy Hour each week • Celebrate the Sundays of Advent Why Advent & The Exodus Seasons? • Exodus is effective. More than 99% of Exodus Men report growing in freedom from unhealthy attachments. • Exodus increases men's faith satisfaction, helps them spend 46% more time in prayer, and increases their participation at church. • Exodus provides an action plan for spiritual growth year-round. After Advent & Christmas, we'll embark on Exodus 90--90 days of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity to encounter uncommon freedom and enter into the joy of the Resurrection in the Easter Season. During the Easter Season, we will feast! In the Summer and Fall months, we will continue with a sustainable Plan of Life and Scripture readings to grow closer to God and become better men, every day. Download the app today to begin your 14-Day Free Trial. After the first two weeks of your spiritual journey, you'll be invited to join Exodus+. Privacy Policy: https://exodus90.com/privacy/ Terms of Use: https://exodus90.com/terms/
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