Daf Yomi by Real Clear Daf
About This app
Real Clear Daf's famous Daf Yomi shiurim have been neatly arranged in this highly intelligent Torah app!
This app puts an interactive e-Gemara in your pocket with the following features:
* Easily play/download Real Clear Daf's Daf Yomi audio shiurim. The shiur is given in English.
* Dynamic highlighting tool that lights up the place on the daf.
* Automatically remembers where you left off.
* Shiurim on the entire Shas Bavli are available
* User support via email or phone
* Hold down words to highlight, underline, or take notes in your Gemara.
* Look up thousands of words in the built-in Aramaic-English Talmudic dictionary.
* Search any word in Shas
App Developed by Sifra Digital (www.sifradigital.com)