SWIFTSCALES Perfect Pitch Pipe

SWIFTSCALES Perfect Pitch Pipe


About This app

Perfect Pitch Pipe accurately recreates a real world pitch pipe and adds functionality and customizability never before seen in a mobile app. Well suited for performing singers, acapella groups, vocal coaches, barbershop quartets, and armchair harmonizers. All audio professionally recorded by the London Philharmonia. APP FEATURES: (*) -First fully adaptive pitch pipe app -Customizable note range -Over 4 octaves of notes -9 one-tap chorded modes for harmonizing -Save your own custom presets -Audio recorded by the London Philharmonia -Video Tutorial detailing app usage -Supports every mobile device size/shape *The vast majority of the features in this app are available free of charge, ad-supported. To enable extended app features and remove advertisements, users may upgrade via a one-time in app purchase.
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