QuickDic Dictionary

QuickDic Dictionary


About This app

Uses data from Wiktionary to generate dictionary files that can be used offline. These can be downloaded from within the app. Both translation and single-language dictionaries available. Use the long-press menu of a word to have your device's text-to-speech implementation speak it for you (you may need to install text-to-speech data for the language first). If you experience app crashes I can generally see, investigate and often fix them. But if they do not get fixed I likely do not have enough information to do that, and reporting them (and other issues) on github (https://github.com/rdoeffinger/Dictionary/issues) would likely be helpful. Note: I am not the original author, but I took over maintenance of the original QuickDic app. Source code is available here: https://github.com/rdoeffinger/Dictionary but little documentation (in the readme.txt) so far. The adventurous can choose to get the beta version here if you want to follow development more closely: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/de.reimardoeffinger.quickdic
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