FicNovel-Read Fiction Stories

FicNovel-Read Fiction Stories


About This app

Hi, readers. We are one of the friendly FREE reading Apps and are committed to providing high-quality stories. You can visit this free novel land exclusively at any time. No matter what you like to read — fantasy, romance, science fiction, suspense, comedy, action-adventure, supernatural, fantasy, youth novel — it’s all on FicNovel. You do not have to search for a book just download our app and you will always have a massive e-book collection of the best writers within reach! Key Features Free high-quality novels to bring you a better reading experience Lots of free novels to read anywhere anytime Access to free fiction stories of all genres Immerse your whole self in reading, enjoy the ultimate reading experience The powerful search function makes it easy for you to find books Customized recommended books only for you Use Night Mode to protect your eyes, reading is the light in the dark Easy-to-use interface and customizable to read Offline Reading, No Internet access required More great novels for you to explore, let's get reading!
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